Welcome to Corvette Center Ministries
Since 1998, we are a nonprofit organization that has been working to obtain food, housing, and sustainability for the homeless on Oahu, Hawaii.
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What's New
CCM Christmas Outreach - December 25, 2023
We love passing out gifts and serving food on Christmas Day! Thank you to all of those who helped us during our outreach at Waianae Boat Harbor!
Ion.Shapen.Ion Thanksgiving Outreach - November 19, 2023
We joined Ion.Shapen.Ion and other churches in a Thanksgiving outreach in Hilo! 50 Thanksgiving plates were distributed at Hilo Bay Beachfront Park. Thank you, Kazu Kalani and family of Ion.shapen.ion Hilo!
Manna bags - Waianae Coast
For the past few months, we have been going out every week and passing out manna bags to the homeless on the Waianae Coast. A ladies' Bible study group from a church in Honolulu, Fellowship Baptist, makes us manna bags every month! If you or your church would like to make manna bags for the homeless, please let us know!